# Notes

PLACEHOLDER_RSS_READER("http://feed43.com/galaxynotesheadlines.xml", includeStyle=False)

Galaxy Notes

*Using Galaxy & more ... *

Interested in learning more about using Galaxy? Finding out when the latest help & tutorials are published? Or maybe just want to get caught up on the basic NGS concepts and methods topical to Galaxy users right now?

Galaxy Notes is a new support resource from the Galaxy team. The concept is to create a common notebook of best practice advice. Information from multiple sources will be brought together in a single post to help users make informed decisions about specific protocols and to aid with learning about the basic concepts behind more complex analysis. Expect posts to come out a few times a week and to cover a range of topics applicable to both new and advanced users. An RSS feed is available to help with filtering, so you can quickly scan and find what is most useful for you.
